The Club At Bredbury Hall Stockport

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The Club At Bredbury Hall venue information

Open Friday and Saturday Nights, The Club is one of the top clubs and bars in Manchester.

Our Club Calendar is always full - we are dedicated to bringing you the best music and entertainment; to make sure you have a night to remember.

We are not your average club! We have 6 bars, including a cocktail bar, and 2 bars in our exclusive VIP area overlooking the main dance floor. The VIP area also has its own private dance floor!

We have a double up promotion on selected spirits all evening on both Fridays and Saturdays. The Club is open until 3am, but the party doesn’t stop there – with music in the hotel Brasserie Bar until 5am. Our famous hot roast beef sandwiches are served well into the early hours! All welcome!!

Venue contact details and info

Name: The Club At Bredbury Hall

Phone: 0161 430 7421

Capacity: 950

Type of venue: Nightclub

Dress code:

Drinks served: Most! VIP packages with private booths.

Disabled facilities: No

Address: Osborne Street, Bredbury, Stockport, SK6 2DH

Venue short url:

Music Policy: Nights to suit everyone and all ages

Ambiance: People wanting to have a good time!

Opening hours:

Food served: In the Brasseries after the nightclub closes

Parking: Plenty of free on site parking