The Woodmans Arms Thundersley Benfleet

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The Woodmans Arms Thundersley venue information

The Woodmans is a National Award winning Gastro Pub and has for its 5th year been included in the renown Michelin 2011 Good Food Guide. The dining area can seat 46 and serves modern British and European cuisine.

They hold a variety of events throughout the year including music nights with the recent addition of Comedy nights brought to you by The Laughing Pod on the last Friday of the month.

Venue contact details and info

Name: The Woodmans Arms Thundersley

Phone: 01268 775799

Capacity: 120

Dress code: Casual

Drinks served: yes

Parking: outside car park

Address: Rayleigh Rd, , Benfleet, SS7 3TA

Venue short url:

Type of venue: Bar/Pub

Clientele: any

Food served: yes

Nearest Train Station: Rayleigh