The Tung Auditorium Liverpool

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Reviews of The Tung Auditorium in Liverpool

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Review of King Creosote

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Review of King Creosote

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The Tung Auditorium venue information

Situated within the Yoko Ono Lennon Centre on the corner of Grove Street and Oxford Street, this high specification venue provides Liverpool with an exceptional new space to listen to live music.

Designed by local architects Ellis Williams with cutting edge acoustic specification from Arup, this will be a remarkable space for solo, chamber, choral and orchestral performances, but with adjustable acoustics it can accommodate a wide variety of jazz, folk, pop, electro-acoustic and experimental music too.

Owned and operated by the University of Liverpool, The Tung Auditorium and the two other lecture theatres in the Centre will provide incredible new facilities for teaching, however, The Tung Auditorium is fundamentally a concert hall in every sense.

Our programme of events is open to all, whether you’re a regular concert-goer, have a spare hour at lunchtime, or are just curious about what’s in the building, we look forward to welcoming you.

Venue contact details and info

Name: The Tung Auditorium


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Type of venue: Live

Address: Arts & Humanities Centre, 60 Oxford Street, Liverpool, L7 3NY


Capacity: 400

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