Ten Street Social L Liverpool

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Saturday 3rd December

? - @tenstreetssocial

@peacepatrol__ are very excited to be bringing you their second instalment This time at Ten Street Social Arena! ??

With his huge hit “Fun Tonight” on Patrick toppings record label, We have Trick labels very own…

??- @jordavomusic

Alongside our Peace Patrol Residents

? - @mrsfunky_f1
? - @taylorjacobs_x
? - @ant_armstrong92
? - @chrismahaffy86
? - @itsnickcharles

Plus we have a very special guest DJ yet to be announced… ?

Early birds tickets are now on sale at skiddle (link in bio) Pay on the door also welcome.

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“We are not just a music event, We are a movement, we are a family, we are a party, Where anybody is welcome to come and dance with us” ? ?

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#PeacePatrol #Liverpool #TenStreetSocial #Arena #House #Tech

Venue contact details and info

Name: Ten Street Social L

Address: 8 Regent Road, Liverpool, L3 7BX


Venue short url: https://www.skiddle.com/venues/113364/

Type of venue: Nightclub

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