Smokie Mo`s Liverpool

#142 of 555 music venues in Liverpool

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Reviews of Smokie Mo`s in Liverpool

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Review of Joe Speare Presents Soul Sunday

Overall rating: 4.5 Verified review

Great afternoon. Not the best venue given booths and bar ballads. The Green Room was a better venue however aware that has closed down.

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Smokie Mo`s venue information

Bar cabaret with food and dancing ,easy access for all fantastic ambience

Venue contact details and info

Name: Smokie Mo`s


Capacity: 150

Type of venue: Live

Dress code: very smart/ casual no hats or sports wear

Drinks served: all drinks taste catered for

Nearest Bus Stop: very close to all stops in city center

Address: 61-69 Seel Street, Liverpool, L1 4AZ

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Music Policy: soul

Ambiance: laid back cool

Clientele: those who like soul and a cabaret laid back vibe

Food served: food severed on request

Nearest Train Station: central station liverpool

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