Projekt Bar And Club Liverpool

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Reviews of Projekt Bar And Club in Liverpool

Projekt Bar And Club venue information

Projekt - a smart and modern space situated on the corner of Wood Street, in between the stylish St.Peters Square and manic Concert Square areas of Liverpool City Centre. Two levels, two rooms, two options every weekend. Upstairs hosts some eclectic open format DJ's playing a mix of cool commercial cuts...everything from retro RnB, Old School Garage to the newest house music. In the Basement we offer a more refined music policy, a mixture of smooth and sexy RnB, with some baseline lead vibrant house music.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Projekt Bar And Club

Phone: 07513219946

Capacity: 500

Type of venue: Nightclub

Drinks served: Premium Drinks

Nearest Train Station: Central Station, Liverpool Lime St

Address: Unit 101B, The Palace, 6-10 Slater Street, Liverpool, L1 4BS

Venue short url:

Music Policy: Urban

Dress code: Smart Casual

Disabled facilities: Yes

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