Christmas Spiegeltent Liverpool

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Christmas Spiegeltent Liverpool venue information

Spiegeltent translates as ‘mirror tent’ and they were created in the Flemish Region of Belgium in the late 19th century. Spiegeltents are hand-hewn pavilions known for their wild and decadent ambiance and used for travelling dance halls, bars and bohemian entertainment salons. The magnificent round tent is made of dark wood with intricately carved panels, stained glass windows, bevelled mirrors and an impressive draped ceiling. Its innate beauty and romance makes it a truly extraordinary venue for any event. Our Spiegeltent continues this fine tradition with an exquisitely decorated performance space that is ideally suited to Christmas parties, masquerade balls, live music shindigs and food filled festive soirees.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Christmas Spiegeltent Liverpool

Phone: 0151 374 0065

Venue short url:

Type of venue: Live

Drinks served: Fully Licensed Bar

Disabled facilities: yes

Nearest Bus Stop: Parliament Street

Address: 5 Mann Street, Liverpool, L8 5AF


Capacity: 400

Dress code: Smart casual

Food served: Restaurant on Site

Parking: Parking in Cains Brewery Village

Nearest Train Station: Liverpool Central

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