Boxpark Liverpool

#122 of 555 music venues in Liverpool

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Reviews of Boxpark Liverpool in Liverpool

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Review of NOIREGAYZE: Lets Dance!!

Overall rating: 5 Verified review

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Would you recommended: Yes

Review of Disco Fest X Hustle pres. Back To The Raw

Overall rating: 5 Verified review

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Boxpark Liverpool venue information

BOXPARK Liverpool will be located in the historic Canning Hall as part of the Cains Brewery Village situated in the Baltic Triangle, Liverpool’s cultural and creative hub. The fully integrated all-day dining and events space will span 21,000 sq. and feature eight independent traders from the City and surrounding areas, which will be announced in the coming weeks. The Baltic Triangle’s exciting new addition will also feature a 5,500 sq. ft external terrace for al fresco dining and intimate events.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Boxpark Liverpool

Address: Beaufort St, Liverpool, L8 5XJ


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Type of venue: Nightclub

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