Baby Blue Liverpool

#442 of 555 music venues in Liverpool

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Baby Blue venue information

Baby Blue, a multi-dimensional live performance venue, is situated beneath the Blue Bar & Grill in a beautiful 19th Century basement vault and is home to the award winning Comedy Central comedy club and to Live Lounge, a live music event which showcases international artists every month. The venue is available for private hire and is ideally suited to exclusive performances, product launches or a more informal corporate occasion.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Baby Blue

Phone: 0844 8000 400

Capacity: 350

Type of venue: Live

Dress code: None

Opening hours: 8.00pm -3.00am

Food served: Upstairs at Blue

Parking: Plenty of public car parking around the venue or use Echo Arena multi-storey

Nearest Train Station: James st. is the nearest station however, Liverpool Lime st is approximately 1 2 km away.

Address: Edward Pavilion Albert Dock, Liverpool, L3 4AE

Venue short url:

Music Policy: Music varies from 50's + 60's right up to the present day.

Ambiance: Relaxed

Clientele: Varied

Drinks served: Varies from lager and spirits, to a large selection of wines and chanpagnes.

Disabled facilities: Yes

Nearest Bus Stop: Albert Dock Granada studio's

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