Plato's {Bar Restaurant Rooms Traiteur} Kirkby Lonsdale

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Reviews of Plato's {Bar Restaurant Rooms Traiteur} in Kirkby Lonsdale

Plato's {Bar Restaurant Rooms Traiteur} venue information

Fab food, great wine, real ale - Proper home cooking with a twist made from fresh ingredients sourced on our doorstep, a wine list selected by grape so that you can try new variations of your favourite wine, and honest beers and ales for the drinker who knows the difference.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Plato's {Bar Restaurant Rooms Traiteur}

Phone: 01524274180

Type of venue: Bar/Pub

Opening hours: 8am to 12 midnight (11pm on Sundays)

Food served: From 8am to 9pm

Parking: None

Address: No 2 Mill Brow, Kirkby Lonsdale, LA6 2AT

Venue short url:

Ambiance: Chilled, open plan, relaxed

Drinks served: Wine and Cask Ales all Sprits

Disabled facilities: Yes, access and WC