Yates' Harrow

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Reviews of Yates' Harrow in Harrow

Yates' Harrow venue information

ViVaLaSalsa @ YATES in Harrow is place to go on Monday if you want to dance salsa. It's a fun and friendly yet professional place to learn or to improve your technique if you're a seasoned dancer. Their friendly professional teachers have many years of experience behind them. No need to bring a partner, unless you wish to, there are lots of new people to learn with you.

You will be welcomed and guided from your very first step and amazed at what you will be able achieve. All steps are repeated and shown in a way that encourages your coordination - don't worry if you have two left feet, we'll show how to get a left & a right! It's a place where everybody knows your name and everybody will dance with you no matter how well you can dance and your very 1st lesson if Free!!

A vibrant colourful dance, you will make many new friends, get fitter and stay healthier without having to change to go to the gym.

Upstairs at Yates we have our own dance area with a wooden floor and our own music Dj'd by the only salsa dj on FM radio Roots - Tony C aka ViVaLaSalsa.

Social dancing from 9.30pm - 11pm class & club are £7 per person or £10 for two classes. Also advisable to take our six week beginners course, where you pay for five and get the sixth free!

Put that together with your first ever beginners class which is also free and you get seven classes and only pay for five!

See you there :))

Venue contact details and info

Name: Yates' Harrow

Address: 269-271 Station Road, Harrow, HA1 2TB

Phone: 07956 921521

Venue short url: https://www.skiddle.com/venues/39070/

Type of venue: Bar/Pub