Champers Bar Eastcote

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Reviews of Champers Bar in Eastcote

Champers Bar venue information

Champers Bar in Field End Road, Eastcote is a busy, friendly, vibrant and exciting bar; as socially electric as they come.

Combining exotic cocktails, sophisticated champagnes, wines and beers, bar snacks, with sports, karaoke, live music, quiz nights, bingo, charity nights, private parties, BBQ's in the garden, and resident D.J.'s at the weekends.



Venue contact details and info

Name: Champers Bar

Phone: 020 8868 8506

Capacity: 150

Type of venue: Bar/Pub

Dress code: Smart Casual

Opening hours: 11am - 11pm everyday. Until 1am Friday & Saturday.

Food served: Toasted Sandwiches

Parking: Free parking after 6pm everyday and all day Sunday. Carparks nearby and slip road paid parking available.

Nearest Train Station: Eastcote Station

Address: 184 Field End Rd, Eastcote, Greater London HA5 1RF, Eastcote, HA5 1RF

Venue short url:

Music Policy: FRI & SAT - dance - old skool - disco classics - floor fillers - SUN - LIVE Singing

Ambiance: Lively, Cosy & Friendly

Clientele: Locals, and Londoners - Strictly over 21

Drinks served: Beers & Lagers, Spirits & Wines, Champagne, Cocktails & Shots. Soft Drinks and Tea & Coffee.

Disabled facilities: No

Nearest Bus Stop: Outside 282