Doncaster Minister

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Reviews of Doncaster Minister in Doncaster

Doncaster Minister venue information

A fundraising concert for St. George’s Minister restoration fund, featuring tenor Martin Aelred & music sensation Mishaped Pearls, with South Yorkshire Police Male Choir supporting.

Aelred will be performing a selection of the greatest operatic arias from world famous composers, old and new. Martin’s recent performances have included Las Vegas, New York, Switzerland, Rosslyn Chapel Edinburgh, and Glasgow Royal Concert Hall. Martin will also be performing with the Cairo Philharmonic Orchestra at the Giza Pyramids in a special ‘planetary alignment’ concert on 12th December 2012.

Mishaped Pearls’ reputation as a mesmerising live band has spread like wild fire in the last year. Their music, which is a contemporary blend of classical, folk, world and pop melodies was described as “astonishing” by BBC 6 Music’s Tom Robinson, in particular the “heart-stopping” vocals of mezzo soprano lead vocalist Manuela Schuette.
The Doncaster based South Yorkshire Police Male Voice Choir will open the concert.

Tickets: Advance £8 £10 on the door
Doncaster Civic Theatre - 01302 342349
Doncaster Tourist Information - 01302 362467

Venue contact details and info

Name: Doncaster Minister

Address: Church Street, Doncaster, DN1 1RD

Phone: (01302) 32374

Venue short url:

Type of venue: Live

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