Olivia's Townhouse Birmingham

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Reviews of Olivia's Townhouse in Birmingham

Olivia's Townhouse venue information

Olivia’s townhouse is a stunning cocktail bar & club which offers a relaxed vibe, detailed with stylish décor and mood lighting, creating the perfect ambiance.

VIP booths available, with superb entertainment, including a variety of live music, acoustic, and chart hits.

extensive drinks menu, including signature and classic cocktails developed by the finest mixologists.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Olivia's Townhouse


Venue short url: https://www.skiddle.com/venues/84211/

Type of venue: Nightclub

Opening hours: 10:00

Address: Olivia's Townhouse, The Arcadian, Birmingham, B5 4TD

Website: http://oliviastownhouse.com/

Capacity: 1000

Dress code: Sophisticated

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