INN On The GREEN ROUTE 44 Acocks Green

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Reviews of INN On The GREEN ROUTE 44 in Acocks Green

INN On The GREEN ROUTE 44 venue information

Live Music Venue
Impressive PA & lighting
Reasonable drink prices
Great selection of Real Ales
Friendly staff
A great night out

Venue contact details and info


Phone: 0121 708 0108

Capacity: 200

Type of venue: Live

Clientele: Anyone over 18

Drinks served: Beers, ciders, real ales, spirits and selected shots.

Disabled facilities: No

Nearest Bus Stop: 1, 37, 36, 11

Address: 2 Westley Road, Acocks Green, B27 7UH

Venue short url:

Music Policy: We provide music of the Rock/Punk/Ska genres.

Dress code: We discourage baseball caps and sportswear, strictly no football/rugby shirts or tracksuits. Trainers are fine.

Opening hours: 8.30pm - 12am

Food served: No

Parking: Large car park opposite the venue entrance (free after 6pm).

Nearest Train Station: Acocks Green