Highbury Hall Birmingham

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Reviews of Highbury Hall in Birmingham

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Showing the latest reviews from all events held at Highbury Hall.

Review of DDC x Hare & Hounds present: Highbury Hall

Overall rating: 5 Verified review

Such a shame the rain came out but it was still a great atmosphere

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

Review of DDC x Hare & Hounds present: Highbury Hall

Overall rating: 5 Verified review

Great atmosphere and fun even when it rained. Food’s a bit expensive but I’m a cheapskate.

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

Review of DDC x Hare & Hounds present: Highbury Hall

Overall rating: 4.5 Verified review

It was a great afternoon, good music, lovely food. I would recommend having a good venue suitable for kids to eat at, as you couldn’t even buy chips anywhere.

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

View all 206 reviews

Highbury Hall venue information

Highbury, also known as Highbury Hall, now a Grade II* listed building, was commissioned as his Birmingham residence by Joseph Chamberlain in 1878, two years after he became member of parliament for Birmingham.

For more information on Highbury Hall, please call our venue assistants on 0121 303 2050 or email civic.catering@birmingham.gov.uk


Venue contact details and info

Name: Highbury Hall

Address: 4 Yew Tree Road, Moseley, Birmingham, B13 8QG

Phone: 0121 303 2050

Venue short url: https://www.skiddle.com/venues/73199/

Type of venue: Nightclub

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