Goldrush News flash

An update on current activites of the new Neil Young tribute band - Goldrush!

Disclaimer: The article below has been contributed by the event promoter or somebody representing the event promoter. As such we take no responsibility for accuracy of the content and any views expressed are not necessarily those of Skiddle or our staff.

Last updated: 26th Oct 2013

If you're a Neil Young fan, you may be one of the many who were disappointed at the recent cancellation of his planned Liverpool appearance with Crazy Horse.!? Due to a hand Injury to Crazy Horse guitarist - Frank "Poncho" Sampedro, Neil Young's Echo Arena gig along with a return London O2 concert and other tour dates in Europe were cancelled, leaving many in the UK wondering whether there?ll ever be another chance to catch him live. Well, if you are one of these fans feeling a bit let down, why not catch the next best thing. Introducing - Goldrush. Formed by a chance meeting at a beer festival in Heswall, Liverpool singer/songwriter Dan (Chiba) Woods has joined up with existing Neil Young & Crazy Horse tribute band - Prisoners of Rock'n?Roll to form Goldrush. Goldrush are currently in the studio recording a Neil Young set of songs to put up on their website & Facebook Page - Also, the band have been keeping Neil Young himself up to date with their gig dates etc! Look out for their feature preview in Liverpool's best what's on guide 'The Lowdown'.