Theatre in Watford: Watford Theatre Events, Watford gig guide, Club Nights, Theatre and more. Buy your tickets or get on the guestlist for free
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Harrow Opera return to the Compass Theatre in March 2025 to present Mozart's comedy masterpiece 'The Marriage of Figaro'.
From ages 4 and above enjoy a spectacular family musical hosted in Harrow Arts Centre and embark on an unforgettable adventure under sea!
HELP! Roald Dahl books are disappearing from books and minds of children, come along with The Imagination Seekers on a wild and adventurous journey.
WrestleForce presents another 2 hour action packed extravaganza the whole family can enjoy!
Our guide to What's On in Watford covers Watford clubs, Watford gig guide, comedy, tickets and guestlists. Find event listings and line ups, venue details, ticket information, nearby hotels and restaurants - all the essential information in one place! You can also check out our guide to Watford.