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Smashed all 3 rooms at Fabric and a sold show supporting Sigma at Ministry Sound. Expect all corners of drum & bass & jungle in a showcase of immersive soundscapes and technical mixing.

Highly ambitious yet humble in their approach, Lewis Norton & Sami Qureshi are S9 - an alias built with the intention to morph and evolve, unbound to trends and popularity. With tracks ranging from Something More to Defibrillator, they have already demonstrated their ability to completely re-invent their sound with each release. An artist can often spend decades perfecting a particular production style, but S9 have chosen to do things differently. You may notice their ability to display strong themes in their tracks - “Expressing a theme is an important part of our production process, it gives the track a purpose, a reason to exist and stand out from the crowd. Whether it’s through our tracks or DJ sets, we strive to take the listener on a journey.” As well as having keen ears for sonic perfection, they are equally as passionate about performing. Their mixes have racked up tens of thousands of plays online, thanks to their immersive, technically precise mixing style, likened to their idols Andy C and A.M.C. With that said, if you get the opportunity to see S9 live, prepare to be taken on a wild ride through all corners of Drum & Bass.

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Smashed all 3 rooms at Fabric and a sold show supporting Sigma at Ministry Sound. Expect all corners of drum & bass & jungle in a showcase of immersive soundscapes and technical mixing.

Highly ambitious yet humble in their approach, Lewis Norton & Sami Qureshi are S9 - an alias built with the intention to morph and evolve, unbound to trends and popularity. With tracks ranging from Something More to Defibrillator, they have already demonstrated their ability to completely re-invent their sound with each release. An artist can often spend decades perfecting a particular production style, but S9 have chosen to do things differently. You may notice their ability to display strong themes in their tracks - “Expressing a theme is an important part of our production process, it gives the track a purpose, a reason to exist and stand out from the crowd. Whether it’s through our tracks or DJ sets, we strive to take the listener on a journey.” As well as having keen ears for sonic perfection, they are equally as passionate about performing. Their mixes have racked up tens of thousands of plays online, thanks to their immersive, technically precise mixing style, likened to their idols Andy C and A.M.C. With that said, if you get the opportunity to see S9 live, prepare to be taken on a wild ride through all corners of Drum & Bass.

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