Speed Dating in Camden | Ages 30-45

You'll meet up to 20 like-minded people at this very cool venue. If you don't meet someone you want to see again, your next event is free!

Wednesday 30th October 2024
7:00pm til 9:30pm
Minimum Age

Wednesday 30th October 2024
7:00pm til 9:30pm
Minimum Age

Speed Dating in Camden | Ages 30-45

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Speed Dating in Camden | Ages 30-45



If you're looking to meet a lot of people and have a great night out at the best bar in town, then look no further!

Our lively speed dating events at Studio 48 are just the ticket and you're sure to have a whole lot of fun at this busy event.

We leave plenty of time to get to know one another including a break halfway and why stop there? Stick around after the event and continue your night amongst new friends - off the clock.

The following day you'll have access to our bespoke matching and messaging system. There's bound to be people you'll want to see again and if not our events are guaranteed, so why not try another time. It's a numbers game after all.

If you want to meet a ton of new people and a fun night out then book now!

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Please note: The event information above has been added by the organiser. Whilst we try to ensure all details are up-to-date we do not make any warranty or representation as to the accuracy or completeness of the information shown.

Nearby Accommodation

Venue Address

48 Chalk Farm Road, London, NW1 8AJ

Useful Links

Please note, locations are plotted on this map by their postcode so may not be precise. We advise you to contact the venue if you need exact directions!

Please note, locations are plotted on this map by their postcode so may not be precise. We advise you to contact the venue if you need exact directions!

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