Hive Dalston London

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Reviews of Hive Dalston in London

Hive Dalston venue information

When Passing Clouds, Silver Bullet & Hive Dalston join forces you know big tings a gwarn! To gain access to this poppin party you need to sign up through our website and complete a task related to saving London's nightlife.

Party with a purpose alongside these masters of music!

Bad Fractals
Mad Dog Collective
The Imperial Works
CW Jones & Button Eyes
Shay D Rap
Slam Jam
FAT GOLD CHAIN and the HIp-HopEration
PT Redeyez & MC TYSKIE
D. Viant (BOINK)
Cara-Jane Murphy
Hosted by Planetman & MC Angel
PLUS Magical Performances from Dr.Gore, Daisy Roots Dancers, Apple Tart, Rebecca Rennison (Arial Hoop), Rachel Symone (Hula Hoop), Amelia Marchant (Hula & Arial)

A decade ago the Scissor Sisters 'didn't feel like dancing', while Justin promised to bring 'Sexy Back'... and in that time London has lost half its live music venues - historic streets and bars where legends cut their teeth, disappearing into giant glass structures and trendy eateries. The city is turning into a place where elevator music and advertising jingles are our soundtrack.

That's not how it should be. London once buzzed with great bands and world famous venues, it’s where the talented came to be discovered. It's where you came to find the hidden gems. And it can be again.

7 areas of entertainment , amazing bands, magical performances and interactive theater will make this night a once-in-a-lifetime event and it marks the start of a campaign to re-open some of those grand old spaces as grassroots music venues

We want you to play for tickets. Yes, really. The actual aim of the game is to link up groups and individuals to build a stronger music network in London. Your aim is to complete various tasks and get your virtual GTA passport stamped three times. This will make more sense as you play, we promise.

From following GTAudio on Twitter and joining the Music Venues Alliance (it’s free), to sending us pictures of empty buildings that would make great venues, you’ve got options and we reckon you’ve got game.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Hive Dalston


Capacity: 400

Type of venue: Live

Dress code: If you like it - wear it!

Opening hours: 20:00 - 03:00

Food served: Yummy Vegan Diner

Parking: 6.30pm onwards on the road

Address: 260-264 Kingsland Road, London, E8 4DG

Venue short url:

Music Policy: Ska, Punk, Reggae, DnB, Jungle, Soul, Hip Hop, Vaudeville,

Ambiance: Party Poppin with Love

Clientele: Earthians

Drinks served: Various & Cheap

Disabled facilities: No

Nearest Train Station: Haggerston

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