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Dimitri Niccolai, better known as TENEDLE, is a songwriter, producer, performer and writer, born in Florence (Italy) in 1969. He lives and works in Holland. In the second half of the ‘80s Tenedle was a member of the electronic new wave band Laughing Silence. The band breaks up in 1995 and Tenedle begins a series of collaborations and projects in the field of electronic music and starts his solo career which he continues up to now.

Since then Tenedle released 6 albums : Psicfreakblusbus (2003), Luminal (2005), Alter (2007) Grancassa (2010) Vulcano (2014) and Odd to love – A tribute to Emily Dickinson (2015).

Distinguished by a mix of songwriting, electronic music, themes from the ‘imaginary’, Tenedle’s projects have led the press to call him “a visionary songwriter” and his songs to be described as “small films”.

Tenedle is a “contemporary songwriter” and his music is a personal and recognizable universe.

Tenedle also writes and produces music for theater, dance and movies, and worked as a writer, composer and producer in projects of other artists. Over the years he has participated in several Prizes gaining recognition both in Italy and in the Netherlands. Tenedle presents his live gigs by way of a multimedia performance based on sound and visuals. Alone or with guest musicians the last years Tenedle performed in Italy, The Netherlands, Germany, France, Spain, Belgium and Luxemburg. The performance consists of images and music from his repertoire, shifting from moments of electronics to unplugged situations with theatrical hints.

On these days Tenedle is working on his new album. The seventh new record “Traumsender” will be released on march 2 2018 and presented with a new live performance in Europe starting the same day.

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Dimitri Niccolai, better known as TENEDLE, is a songwriter, producer, performer and writer, born in Florence (Italy) in 1969. He lives and works in Holland. In the second half of the ‘80s Tenedle was a member of the electronic new wave band Laughing Silence. The band breaks up in 1995 and Tenedle begins a series of collaborations and projects in the field of electronic music and starts his solo career which he continues up to now.

Since then Tenedle released 6 albums : Psicfreakblusbus (2003), Luminal (2005), Alter (2007) Grancassa (2010) Vulcano (2014) and Odd to love – A tribute to Emily Dickinson (2015).

Distinguished by a mix of songwriting, electronic music, themes from the ‘imaginary’, Tenedle’s projects have led the press to call him “a visionary songwriter” and his songs to be described as “small films”.

Tenedle is a “contemporary songwriter” and his music is a personal and recognizable universe.

Tenedle also writes and produces music for theater, dance and movies, and worked as a writer, composer and producer in projects of other artists. Over the years he has participated in several Prizes gaining recognition both in Italy and in the Netherlands. Tenedle presents his live gigs by way of a multimedia performance based on sound and visuals. Alone or with guest musicians the last years Tenedle performed in Italy, The Netherlands, Germany, France, Spain, Belgium and Luxemburg. The performance consists of images and music from his repertoire, shifting from moments of electronics to unplugged situations with theatrical hints.

On these days Tenedle is working on his new album. The seventh new record “Traumsender” will be released on march 2 2018 and presented with a new live performance in Europe starting the same day.

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