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Paul McClure

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Paul McClure

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Paul McClure is a singer and songwriter from Rutland, England where he lives with his wife and daughters. He takes his inspiration from his world and the people in it.

“I suppose it all began in the back seat with The Beatles. Then it was Bob Dylan, Joan Baez and Jonny Cash. My mum was a big Roy Orbison fan and I think John Denver and The Everly Brothers came via her too. By the time I made it into the front seat I was soaking up everything I could lay my ears on - I was into Bob Dylan, The Band and Leonard Cohen with a passion by then as well as the folk revival scene - which pretty much ruined my teenage years at school as it isn't easy being the only 13 year old in your class with a Joan Baez tape in your bag.

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Paul McClure is a singer and songwriter from Rutland, England where he lives with his wife and daughters. He takes his inspiration from his world and the people in it.

“I suppose it all began in the back seat with The Beatles. Then it was Bob Dylan, Joan Baez and Jonny Cash. My mum was a big Roy Orbison fan and I think John Denver and The Everly Brothers came via her too. By the time I made it into the front seat I was soaking up everything I could lay my ears on - I was into Bob Dylan, The Band and Leonard Cohen with a passion by then as well as the folk revival scene - which pretty much ruined my teenage years at school as it isn't easy being the only 13 year old in your class with a Joan Baez tape in your bag.

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