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There is more than one artist with this name:

1) Inside were a collaboration between Psyche singer Darrin Huss and members of The Eternal Afflict. Starting in 1996 with a more romantic melancholy synth-sound of the Nineties to a power driving EBM with slightly horrorish lyrics, and some heavy guitars added to their industrial dance sound. After two albums, and a compilation Extremities (Ultimate Edition) they disbanded in 2003.

2) Inside were a mid-90's Long Island 5 piece formed from hardcore band Word Of Mouth, went on to spawn Blood Red, Babyteeth, Tinsnips, The Dearly Departed, The Movielife, Taking Back Sunday, etc.... Inside was voted "Band Of The Year" in Heartattack's 1999 readers poll. They toured the US four times, and hit Europe once, before disbanding. They played a reunion show in April 2004 to bid farewell to guitarist Vinny Corrigan before he moved to Ireland. 600 people converged on the small church it was held in to witness the best LI show of 2004.

3) Inside is a Tokyo based Straight Edge Hardcore band formed in 2009 in vein of Have heart , Strife and Judge. They released a demo with 3 songs in 2010 http://www.myspace.com/insidetokyo Read more on Last.fm. User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.

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There is more than one artist with this name:

1) Inside were a collaboration between Psyche singer Darrin Huss and members of The Eternal Afflict. Starting in 1996 with a more romantic melancholy synth-sound of the Nineties to a power driving EBM with slightly horrorish lyrics, and some heavy guitars added to their industrial dance sound. After two albums, and a compilation Extremities (Ultimate Edition) they disbanded in 2003.

2) Inside were a mid-90's Long Island 5 piece formed from hardcore band Word Of Mouth, went on to spawn Blood Red, Babyteeth, Tinsnips, The Dearly Departed, The Movielife, Taking Back Sunday, etc.... Inside was voted "Band Of The Year" in Heartattack's 1999 readers poll. They toured the US four times, and hit Europe once, before disbanding. They played a reunion show in April 2004 to bid farewell to guitarist Vinny Corrigan before he moved to Ireland. 600 people converged on the small church it was held in to witness the best LI show of 2004.

3) Inside is a Tokyo based Straight Edge Hardcore band formed in 2009 in vein of Have heart , Strife and Judge. They released a demo with 3 songs in 2010 http://www.myspace.com/insidetokyo Read more on Last.fm. User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.

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