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The Dreggs

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The Dreggs

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We both grew up on the beautiful eastern coastline of Australia, with the ocean by our feet. We love the ocean. It’s intoxicating sea-breeze, soft sand on the soles of our feet and waves are what make us addicted. In fact, it was this commonality between each other that led both of us to meet, become friends, and then later, write music. It wasn’t long after until we decided that we could take this further. Why not? We had guitars, friends and family to sing songs to, and we had spare time… a lot of it. What started from a fun little pub gig at the local, shortly after meeting each other, led to the spark that fed our passion for performing.

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We both grew up on the beautiful eastern coastline of Australia, with the ocean by our feet. We love the ocean. It’s intoxicating sea-breeze, soft sand on the soles of our feet and waves are what make us addicted. In fact, it was this commonality between each other that led both of us to meet, become friends, and then later, write music. It wasn’t long after until we decided that we could take this further. Why not? We had guitars, friends and family to sing songs to, and we had spare time… a lot of it. What started from a fun little pub gig at the local, shortly after meeting each other, led to the spark that fed our passion for performing.

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