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Peter Ellison

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Peter Ellison

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RUDE(R) Summer Party
Whittles Tokyo Project, Oldham
From 8:00PM


Resident DJ at Rude (now Ruder) in Oldham.

Started DJ’ing back in the mid - late 90’s / early 00’s as part of a collective with a couple of good friends Poz & Pete.

I initially helped out lugging equipment and also as an occasional stand in DJ (supply DJ ha ha!!!) at the “Kickin’ round the House” events at the Bluebell at Monton Green, which had been set up in conjunction with Kiss 102FM Manchester.

I later became a proper card carrying member of the collective at our Saturday night residency over in Sheffield’s student district, a residency which lasted for around 5 years. I know the A57 (Snake Pass) like the back of my hand and we had some really, really great times over there. Thanks guys!.

Took a long break from DJ'ing from the mid - noughties onwards, just doing the occasional private party here and there, but I never stopped collecting music and when, in 2020, Covid happened I did a few DJ live streams with my better half Jo Anne, just for laughs initially really, but the streams were well received and resulted in me being asked to do a couple of post lockdown gigs (including the superb Out In The Sticks - real pinch myself moment there!). I was also offered a residency at the wonderful Rude night alongside Scott Mellors and original Rude resident DJ Paul Hilton (another pinch myself moment - ouch!).

In early 2021 I was also invited to provide regular 60 minute mix shows for an internet radio station based out of New Jersey, USA Called Maluti Deep House Radio. Maluti has a great line up of DJ’s. I did monthly mixes for this station for 2 years.

Rude stalwart Paul Hilton very sadly passed away suddenly and unexpectedly at the end of 2021, it was a huge shock to everyone and it was anticipated that Rude would come to an end following his untimely passing, but, following Paul’s benefit gig and the “final” Rude night, Nik Cheetham, Pauls best mate and fellow promoter of Rude for nearly 30 years (also Oldham's answer to Peter Stringfellow - sorry Nik ha! ha!), asked both myself and Scott to become part of a team that would continue to put nights on under the Rude(r) moniker, it was a huge honour to have been asked to help to keep the legacy of Rude alive in some small way. Huge Thanks Nik. The story continues…..

I'm a bit old School (read grumpy) so I haven’t got a DJ name or a logo, I'm not a “brand” and I don't want to be famous. I also definitely do not “curate” things (I can't stand that word, it's just so pretentious, honestly, just pack it in now please everyone!).

I just try to find music that I like and play it the best way I can.

Big Thanks for reading all that, you probably deserve some sort of badge if you managed it without getting bored halfway through to be fair.

Peace out!

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Resident DJ at Rude (now Ruder) in Oldham.

Started DJ’ing back in the mid - late 90’s / early 00’s as part of a collective with a couple of good friends Poz & Pete.

I initially helped out lugging equipment and also as an occasional stand in DJ (supply DJ ha ha!!!) at the “Kickin’ round the House” events at the Bluebell at Monton Green, which had been set up in conjunction with Kiss 102FM Manchester.

I later became a proper card carrying member of the collective at our Saturday night residency over in Sheffield’s student district, a residency which lasted for around 5 years. I know the A57 (Snake Pass) like the back of my hand and we had some really, really great times over there. Thanks guys!.

Took a long break from DJ'ing from the mid - noughties onwards, just doing the occasional private party here and there, but I never stopped collecting music and when, in 2020, Covid happened I did a few DJ live streams with my better half Jo Anne, just for laughs initially really, but the streams were well received and resulted in me being asked to do a couple of post lockdown gigs (including the superb Out In The Sticks - real pinch myself moment there!). I was also offered a residency at the wonderful Rude night alongside Scott Mellors and original Rude resident DJ Paul Hilton (another pinch myself moment - ouch!).

In early 2021 I was also invited to provide regular 60 minute mix shows for an internet radio station based out of New Jersey, USA Called Maluti Deep House Radio. Maluti has a great line up of DJ’s. I did monthly mixes for this station for 2 years.

Rude stalwart Paul Hilton very sadly passed away suddenly and unexpectedly at the end of 2021, it was a huge shock to everyone and it was anticipated that Rude would come to an end following his untimely passing, but, following Paul’s benefit gig and the “final” Rude night, Nik Cheetham, Pauls best mate and fellow promoter of Rude for nearly 30 years (also Oldham's answer to Peter Stringfellow - sorry Nik ha! ha!), asked both myself and Scott to become part of a team that would continue to put nights on under the Rude(r) moniker, it was a huge honour to have been asked to help to keep the legacy of Rude alive in some small way. Huge Thanks Nik. The story continues…..

I'm a bit old School (read grumpy) so I haven’t got a DJ name or a logo, I'm not a “brand” and I don't want to be famous. I also definitely do not “curate” things (I can't stand that word, it's just so pretentious, honestly, just pack it in now please everyone!).

I just try to find music that I like and play it the best way I can.

Big Thanks for reading all that, you probably deserve some sort of badge if you managed it without getting bored halfway through to be fair.

Peace out!

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