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We are a 2 piece Protest Punk band originally from Norfolk who now travel non stop playing shows everywhere and anywhere possible! This is about more than just Music, It’s time someone tore down the disgusting Industry that has ransacked music for too long.

Our way of doing this is by playing completely for Donations, including our merchandise and pretty much everything we ever create will be on donations. Cutting the middle man out allows for us to progress as any other band would without having to give up to 80% of the income to Business Dicks!

By removing the price tag it also means those who are less wealthy are not shut out of the enjoyment of music.

We all support our favourite bands by paying for the extortionate ticket prices & over priced merchandise, But with us you choose the price.

We will be playing on the streets, outside venues, house parties & of course normal gigs too with a bucket out and leave the rest to you! If enough people enjoy our music & message then we will continue to create new Art & our promise is that we will give back to the community we build around us, giving as many talent people a chance at doing what they love as their life!

Peace, Love & Weed


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We are a 2 piece Protest Punk band originally from Norfolk who now travel non stop playing shows everywhere and anywhere possible! This is about more than just Music, It’s time someone tore down the disgusting Industry that has ransacked music for too long.

Our way of doing this is by playing completely for Donations, including our merchandise and pretty much everything we ever create will be on donations. Cutting the middle man out allows for us to progress as any other band would without having to give up to 80% of the income to Business Dicks!

By removing the price tag it also means those who are less wealthy are not shut out of the enjoyment of music.

We all support our favourite bands by paying for the extortionate ticket prices & over priced merchandise, But with us you choose the price.

We will be playing on the streets, outside venues, house parties & of course normal gigs too with a bucket out and leave the rest to you! If enough people enjoy our music & message then we will continue to create new Art & our promise is that we will give back to the community we build around us, giving as many talent people a chance at doing what they love as their life!

Peace, Love & Weed


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