Summer Bash 666

Mercury's Well presents our 6th Annual beach-party themed summer event: Summer Bash 666 "Hell in Hawaii"

Saturday 13th July 2024
1:00pm til 11:00pm (Performance starts 1:30pm)
Minimum Age

Saturday 13th July 2024
1:00pm til 11:00pm (Performance starts 1:30pm)
Minimum Age

Summer Bash 666

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Summer Bash 666

Summer Bash 666

Music Genres

Metal | Rock


Mercury's Well presents our 6th Annual 'Summer Bash' beach party themed event.

For the second year running since our return from the pandemic, we're running a day long event, inviting some good mates and excellent bands to share the stage with us for a summer event of hot & heavy rock & metal.

This year:

Wallowing descend upon us bringing misery and disgust from worlds unknown...

A Night in the Abyss bring macarbre melodies with their brutal concoction of blackened & technical death metal

Them Bloody Kids provide a sizzling slice of alt metal

Maziac keep things running hot, adding prog-metal fuel to the flames

Masquerader return with their frenzied, ferocious math punk

El Chapo remind us few things go so well together as hardcore & sludge

Slug13 serve a punchy rock concoction

Deadblow will be laying down a slab of heavy rock/metal riffage

ChaosTheory open the festivities with their brand of pop-punk/rock

Much to look forward to at our heaviest, hottest event yet. It's not going to be one to miss, so save the date, order a fruity shirt online and sit back and look forward to those sweet summer vibes.

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Nearby Accommodation

Venue Address

Ambrose Place, Chatham Street, Reading, RG1 7JE

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Please note, locations are plotted on this map by their postcode so may not be precise. We advise you to contact the venue if you need exact directions!

Please note, locations are plotted on this map by their postcode so may not be precise. We advise you to contact the venue if you need exact directions!

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