The Night Of The Ram

A celebration and benefit evening for comedian Chris Broomfield, beloved host and custodian of Comedy At The State Bar and it's legendary Gong Shows.

Sunday 9th June 2024
8:00pm til 11:45pm (Last entry 11:45pm)
Minimum Age

Sunday 9th June 2024
8:00pm til 11:45pm (Last entry 11:45pm)
Minimum Age

The Night Of The Ram

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The Night Of The Ram


JOIN Scotland's top comedy talent as they celebrate and raise funds for their friend and colleague, comedian Chris Broomfield.

Des Clarke, Des McLean, Raymond Mearns, Jay Lafferty, Darren Connell, Mark Nelson, Elaine Malcolmson, Vladimir McTavish, Sid Ozalid, Steven Dick, Scott Agnew and a very special guest will provide the laughs and say thanks to the man better known simply as The Ram.

Chris Broomfield has been a stalwart of the Scottish Comedy scene for over 20 years and the beloved resident host and compere of Saturday nights at The State Bar for over a decade before "Abbey" his brain tumour came calling in 2017 limiting his ability to work and perform. The Ram having overcome this challenge with grace, good humour and dignity he was once again struck with cancer two years ago requiring major surgery. Sadly as The Ram got back to health last year he received the news his brain tumour 'Abbey' had returned once more but without any options for treatment.

The Night of The Ram is an opportunity for comedians and comedy fans alike to say their thanks for Chris's support, insight and entertainment over the years. 

Often The Ram would dig deep into his own pockets to keep Comedy At The State afloat and made sure punters never went without a laugh and comedians never went home without their wage. It's our turn to dig deep and hopefully help provide Chris and his beautiful family with a little something to make the remaining time ahead a little more comfortable. All proceeds for the night go directly to The Broomfield family. 

So please join us for laughs, memories and a celebration of Chris Broomfield, The Ram of Pontypridd, the man Tom Jones could have been. 

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