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Following a very successful release in France, L’Impératrice’s debut album « Matahari » arrives worldwide in 2019 with all the pomp and circumstance of a coronation. “Impératrice” is French for “Empress”, and if their moniker is the most difficult thing to grasp for anglophones, then musically there’s nothing that doesn’t translate.

Subtle yet majestic, L’Impératrice have a bright future in the republic, though if the six-headed beast is to become real French musical royalty then they’ll have to watch their têtes. In fairness, Charles de Boisseguin and his lot haven’t put a foot wrong since they threw in the day job seven years ago.

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Following a very successful release in France, L’Impératrice’s debut album « Matahari » arrives worldwide in 2019 with all the pomp and circumstance of a coronation. “Impératrice” is French for “Empress”, and if their moniker is the most difficult thing to grasp for anglophones, then musically there’s nothing that doesn’t translate.

Subtle yet majestic, L’Impératrice have a bright future in the republic, though if the six-headed beast is to become real French musical royalty then they’ll have to watch their têtes. In fairness, Charles de Boisseguin and his lot haven’t put a foot wrong since they threw in the day job seven years ago.

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