Queens Head Box

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Reviews of Queens Head in Box

Queens Head venue information

Whether you’re just out for a beer, hungry and want a diverse menu, like your music live, want a game of pool, looking for a bar with a real fire, a beer garden with stunning views that has a Boules piste & children’s play area, want free Wifi, expect a pub to have friendly staff and a welcoming atmosphere,
then the Queens Head is for you.

The Queens Head, on the A4 London to Bath road, was originally a C17th coaching inn. And, back then, it was also the local butchers.
Next to the car park is a Blind House and Wiltshire is the only county with them. Their history is a little obscure but their purpose wasn't. They were lock-ups for troublemakers and drunks. Luckily, we haven't had to use ours for some time.
In 1841 Isambard Kingdom Brunel came to Box and built his magnificent tunnel. At nearly 2 miles long it was a feat of modern engineering. High speed trains still pass through the tunnel but when it was originally opened people refused to use it as they thought they would suffocate.
It was also the inspiration for Rev W. Awdry, creator of Thomas the Tank Engine, who lived close to the tunnel.
Under Box Hill there are extensive freestone mines. Originally mined by the Romans, the Roman Baths in Bath are made using stone from Box quarry, the quarries were still being worked until the 1960's.
The majority of buildings in Bath were built using stone quarried in Box. And, since then, it has been known as Bath Stone. It was also shipped as far afield as Canada where it was used to build the Parliament buildings.
The church, dedicated to St. Thomas � Becket, was built in C14th. And in the graveyard there's an unusual pyramid shaped tombstone. Known locally as the Pinnacle Stone, it was built so the wife of the man buried there couldn't dance on his grave.
There is also a pilgrims' chapel at nearby Chapel Plaister whose most notorious resident was highwayman, John Poulter. He used to shelter in the chapel but was often found loading his pistols in the nearby pub. He was executed at Salisbury - the last man to be hanged in Wiltshire.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Queens Head


Capacity: 50

Address: High Street, Box, Box , SN13 8NH

Venue short url: https://www.skiddle.com/venues/58945/

Type of venue: Nightclub