Tabu (Formerly Moby Grape) Stockton

Tabu (Formerly Moby Grape) events

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Reviews of Tabu (Formerly Moby Grape) in Stockton

Tabu (Formerly Moby Grape) venue information

Tabu (Formerly Moby Grape) is a brand new, small, underground club with low ceilings giving it a really dark cool feel. Every Friday the club hosts a night called 'Ruckus', which does exactly what it says on the tin, with a mix of deep disco grooves. Once a month Ruckus is raised up a level and becomes 'Ruckus-RAISED' a specific artist DJ will be booked to play on this night.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Tabu (Formerly Moby Grape)

Phone: 01642677074'

Capacity: 350

Type of venue: Nightclub

Opening hours: 10pm - 4am

Address: Oriel House, Calverts Lane, Stockton, TS18 1SW

Venue short url:

Music Policy: Strictly Grooves

Dress code: Smart as a carrot

Parking: Car Park available at back of club.