Flashback Records London

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Flashback Records venue information

Flashback opened in 1997 with one shop in Essex Road. Initially we sold retro and vintage clothing in the basement and music on the ground floor. This continued until 2000, when we moved the clothing section to a shop over the road. At this point, we moved the vinyl to the basement and the ground floor sold CDs, Videos and a few books and games. Over time Videos were slowly replaced by DVDs until we stopped selling Videos completely in 2006. This layout continues to the present day. In 1998 we started selling mail order, firstly by sending out catalogues, but as the internet became universal, we transferred to listing our stock on several marketplace sites on the net, as well as our own website. This website started showing signs of age and was completely replaced by a brand new site in June 2010, with added functionality and more contemporary design.

Flashback was founded with a view to changing the record shop experience from an intimidating run-in with surly cooler-than-thou members of staff into an enjoyable way to spend some time, knowing that the staff will be happy to assist you, whether your interest is Frank Sinatra or the Wu-Tang. Our staff are very helpful, friendly and knowledgeable, so there should be someone at Flashback who can assist you with your enquiry, however obscure you may think it is.


Venue contact details and info

Name: Flashback Records


Capacity: 100

Address: 131 Bethnal Green Road, London, E2 7DG

Venue short url: https://www.skiddle.com/venues/63323/

Type of venue: Other

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