Telford Exhibitions

Exhibitions in Telford: The biggest guide to Exhibitions & attractions in Telford. Buy tickets from a trusted primary outlet.

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Telford events, clubs, gigs and what's on

Ironbridge Gorge, Alberts Shed Southwater, the fastest growing town in Shropshire, Town Park 

If you find yourself in the West Midlands, then you have to get yourself down and experience some of what’s on in Telford. It's the hometown of Jeremy Corbyn and Stewart Lee and the fastest growing town in the historic country of Shropshire, and that means that events are coming thick and fast. 

Whether you want to attend ace Telford events from local and touring artists at Alberts Shed Southwater, you fancy exploring the UNESCO World Heritage site of Ironbridge Gorge, or you just want to relax in the picturesque Town Park, there’s loads on offer in the town, and so much more to discover for yourself.

So, what are you waiting for? Scroll through our events and book tickets for events in Telford now!


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