D.O.D Interview: It's always a real honour to play there

After mixing our latest podcast we had a quick chat with D.O.D ahead of his show at the Victoria Warehouse, read the interview here.

Jimmy Coultas

Date published: 18th Feb 2014

With Composit Music's second showcase in the Victoria Warehouse imminent, we decided to speak to the man who recently served up a guest mix for our podcast ahead of the event, D.O.D. The North West native has been an electrifying presence behind the decks over the past three or four years, his sensational technical acumen and production prowess earning rave reviews from Steve Aoki, Fatboy Slim and the man who he will share a stage with at the event; Laidback Luke.

Having toured across the states with the latter the two have built up a fruitful relationship, one that will undoubtedly be showcased to the fullest at Composit's breathtaking showcase. As well as the podcast mix we discussed dream line ups, the excitement for playing at the Victoria Warehouse and much more.

How much are you looking forward to playing the Victoria Warehouse; is it a venue you’ve done before?

I can't wait to play! Victoria Warehouse is such an amazing venue, it's always a real honour to play there. I DJ'd for WHP in November 2012 in the main room. It was one of the best shows that year for me.

What are your relationships like with the other artists – they’ve been supporters of your music in the past? 

It's funny you say that because the artists on the line-up are the ones who have supported me most in my career. I first came through the ranks on the UK scene with Eddie Halliwell. Eddie and his team taught me a lot about the industry and it's something I'll always be thankful for.

Laidback Luke has also given me incredible support both musically and gigs wise too. He released my first big single 'More Cowbell' to his 'Ones To Watch Records' which is the baby brother of Luke's Mixmash Records. The support he gave me on that track was unreal and I signed exclusive to Mixmash records back in September. I went on to release some of my other singles like 'BANANAS' & 'STOMP'. Luke also took me on his 'Musically Driven' bus tour across the U.S.A, which is something I'll never forget - the show's were next level! 

You’ve done a mix for our podcast, can you talk us through it? Is it reflective of your style when you play out or are you showcasing a different side to your DJing personality?

I was showcasing a different side on what I do for the first half of the mix (listen below), then I move onto the kind of stuff i'm producing in the studio right now. I built the mix how I would do in a club, although i'm playing last on March 8th after Laidback Luke so it'll be no holds barred! I'm a big one for really utilising the DJ equipment too, it's something I've always done.

Where else have you got upcoming gigs?

I'll be in Miami for WMC at the end of March playing some cool parties. Other than that I have a two week tour in April of Australia and then a small tour of Malaysia afterwards. I've also got shows in Germany, Italy and the UK in between, so a busy few months ahead.

And what production news can you let us in on?

I've been working very hard in the studio recently. Mainly on collaborations with other artists. I've recently made tracks with Borgore, Sandro Silva, Carnage, DJ Bl3nd to name a few. I've also been focusing heavily on solo original material too. My next single release will be in April, so the Composit Music crowd will get to hear some exclusive stuff!

Finally dream situation time. Composit have entrusted you with their next event, and you can pick four DJs and a live act to play alongside you at the Victoria Warehouse. Who would you go for an why?

Ok, so there would be two people on the March 8th line-up that I would choose so I'm going to go for something different in set time order... 

TJR - From what Laidback Luke has told be about TJR, he's been around for years. I love his style as a producer, he's had a few hits over the past couple of years. It's a perfect start to the evening in my opinion. He's also a very technical DJ and can scratch really well.

Sandro Silva - I love Sandro's style. And let's not forget this whole new revolution of producers using hard style kick drums in house and electro came from Sandro. He gets it just right, a nice balance between the harder stuff and the more accessible.

Major Lazer - These guys really bring the energy to next level. Their live show's are unreal. A MUST see act for sure!

Knife Party - Perfect way to keep the energy levels high and the dance floor bouncing. Their productions are out of this world.

D.O.D - I'd finish the night off!

Upcoming Events At O2 Victoria Warehouse, Manchester

Here is the next upcoming event At O2 Victoria Warehouse, Manchester

Rong Indoor Festival 2024

Rong Indoor Festival 2024

O2 Victoria Warehouse, Manchester

5th October

6:00pm til 5:00am (last entry 10:00pm)

Minimum Age: 18

For ticket prices, please click here (Additional fees may apply)

Rong returns to O2 Victoria Warehouse for the 4th annual indoor festival