Tunbridge Wells Exhibitions

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Tunbridge Wells events, clubs, gigs and what's on

If you find yourself in Kent, then the achingly beautiful countryside town of Tunbridge Wells should be high on your list of places to visit. Whilst a walk along The Pantiles, the road through the heart of the town, will provide a step back in time to Tunbridge Wells’ Georgian heyday, walks through the surrounding countryside of Bewl Water and Ashdown Forest, aka Winnie-the-Pooh’s Hundred Acre Wood, are both just as picturesque. 

But, when looking for Tunbridge Wells events, you’ll be happy to know they involve a bit less exercise. Live music lovers can watch bands plug in regularly at The Forum, and stage kids can see actors break a leg in productions at Assembly Hall and Trinity Theatre. Plus, further afield, the incredible Pub in the Park, hosted at Dunorlan Park by TV chef Tom Kerridge is a must-visit.

Whatever you’re after, Tunbridge Wells has got it. So, scroll through our events and book tickets now!