CookHouse Pub And Kitchen Widnes

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CookHouse Pub And Kitchen Widnes venue information

CookHouse is a family-friendly Pub and Kitchen, with a stylish and contemporary ambience.

Located at 1 Liverpool Road, our CookHouse Pub & Carvery has been designed with all ages in mind.

We have a delicious and varied menu to choose from guaranteed to suit the whole family.

Our outdoor play area is bound to be a hit with the kids, while parents can relax and enjoy themselves in our spacious beer garden.

Looking to host your next event? Then look no further, our venue has a function room that's perfect for any occasion.

There's something for the whole family at the CookHouse Pub & Carvery with regular live music, a fun-filled quiz night every Thursday, and a variety of events and promotions catering to all age groups.

We look forward to welcoming you soon!

Venue contact details and info

Name: CookHouse Pub And Kitchen Widnes


Capacity: 500

Address: 1 Liverpool Road, Widnes, WA8 7ER

Venue short url:

Type of venue: Bar/Pub