Gentings Casnio Sheffield

Gentings Casnio events and tickets

Skiddle is an official primary ticket outlet for Gentings Casnio in Sheffield. Find 1 upcoming events below. Tickets can be purchased directly from Skiddle:

Dress To The Nines Summer Ball at Gentings Casnio

Dress To The Nines Summer Ball

  • Gentings Casnio Sheffield
  • Saturday 29th - Sunday 30th June
  • Exclusive Summer Ball at Gentings Casino! For a classy night of glitz & glamour, drinks & dancing, join us at Gentings Casino Sheffield City Centre.

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    Reviews of Gentings Casnio in Sheffield

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    Showing the latest reviews from all events held at Gentings Casnio.

    Review of Dress To The Nines

    Overall rating: 5 Verified review

    Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

    Would you recommended: Yes

    Review of Dress To The Nines

    Overall rating: 5 Verified review

    Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

    Would you recommended: Yes

    Gentings Casnio videos

    Venue contact details and info

    Name: Gentings Casnio

    Address: St Paul's Pl, Arundel Gate, Sheffield City Centre, Sheffield S1 2PN, Sheffield, s1 2pn


    Venue short url:

    Type of venue: Nightclub

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