Grand Central Livingston

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Reviews of Grand Central in Livingston

Grand Central venue information

Grand Central, next to Livingston North train station, offers something for everyone and guarantees a great night out.

The function room is upstairs on level 2, with the disabled and elderly in mind, a brand new lift has be installed to take you up to the function suite VIP. The function area has a private bar, fully fitted sound system, and can hold over 100 people. Catering for Birthday Parties, engagements, surprise parties, you name it Grand Central can and will take care of it.

Be sure to check out this private function room, available for private hire, this function room is available to hire (small booking fee returned) with a minimum spend at the bar
- where else would you want to be seen.

Adults who like to party at the weekends where this Night Club in livingston is open till 2am and boasting a new state of the art music system in West Lothian. A round booth can be reserved for weekend nights and there is also a lower lounge area.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Grand Central

Address: Carmondean Centre, Carmondean Road, Livingston North, Livingston, EH54 8PT

Phone: 01506 443254

Venue short url:

Type of venue: Bar/Pub