Tunnelclub Birmingham

#99 of 491 music venues in Birmingham

Tunnelclub events and tickets

Skiddle is an official primary ticket outlet for Tunnelclub in Birmingham. Find 1 upcoming events below. Tickets can be purchased directly from Skiddle:

Mr Traumatik with DJ Frenzee at Tunnelclub

Mr Traumatik with DJ Frenzee

  • Tunnelclub Birmingham
  • Saturday 20th - Sunday 21st July
  • The Mr Traumatik tour is heading to Birmingham with local support and LC BASS EVENTS residents.

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    Tunnelclub news

    News, interviews and roundups from Skiddle's inhouse editorial team

    • Sarah G

      23rd Apr 2023

      Sarah G has racked up over 25 years of professional DJ experience, covering a huge range of genres with expertise.

    Reviews of Tunnelclub in Birmingham

    Average rating:


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    Showing the latest reviews from all events held at Tunnelclub.

    Review of B9Bass Presents: Round one

    Overall rating: 5 Verified review

    Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

    Would you recommended: Yes

    Review of B9Bass Presents: Round one

    Overall rating: 5 Verified review

    Excellent night.

    Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

    Would you recommended: Yes

    Tunnelclub videos

    Venue contact details and info

    Name: Tunnelclub

    Address: 27 Water Street, Birmingham, B3 1HL


    Venue short url: https://www.skiddle.com/venues/116422/

    Type of venue: Nightclub

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