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Arena Aldridge Walsall

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Reviews of Arena Aldridge in Walsall

Arena Aldridge venue information

The Arena in Aldridge is an exciting, high quality 500 customer capacity venue. We cater for great live performances, covering the decades from the 1960s through to the present day. These performers are quality and entertaining tribute acts and contemporary up and coming bands. These performances are available on most weekends, and our aim is to thrill our audiences. We will be providing a wealth of tribute genres for all tastes and eras ranging from solo artists to large multi-member bands.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Arena Aldridge

Phone: 07882 768 104

Venue short url:

Music Policy: All types of music different genres each night

Ambiance: Club with seating, stage, dance floor and bar

Clientele: Family nights, teenage nights and adult events, Over 30s nights

Drinks served: Full bar

Parking: Free parking either side of the venue

Nearest Train Station: Hamstead Station, Birmingham.

Address: 39-43 Rookery Parade, Aldridge, Walsall, WS9 8QR


Capacity: 500

Type of venue: Nightclub

Dress code: Smart casual

Opening hours: 7.30pm -1.00am

Food served: Sandwiches

Nearest Bus Stop: Anchor Road, Portland Road, Little Aston Road.