The Vaults Birmingham

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Reviews of The Vaults in Birmingham

The Vaults venue information

The Vaults is a place to relax and unwind. Our chic eatery and debonair lounge bar boasts private booths and metropolitan vibes infused with local contemporary art. Occupying the vaulted underpinnings of an imposing Victorian building our surroundings are certainly distinctive and ultimately relaxing. Art and photography blend with signature exposed brickwork, bespoke furniture, polished wooden flooring and a dusky autumnal colour palette.

Set against the Jewellery Quarter�s rich cultural backdrop on the edge of the financial district this spacious subterranean escape is perfect for dinner or after work, blending cosmopolitan cuisine and great British classics. It�s your new home.

Venue contact details and info

Name: The Vaults

Phone: 0121 212 9837

Venue short url:

Opening hours: Tuesday - Thursday - 17:00- 00:00 Friday - Saturday 17:00 - 02:00 Sunday/Monday Closed

Food served: yes

Nearest Train Station: 1.4miles away

Address: The Vaults, Newhall Place, Newhall Hill, Birmingham, B1 3JH


Type of venue: Bar/Pub

Drinks served: yes

Parking: Street parking

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