St Alkmunds Church, Shrewsbury, SY1 1UH

St Alkmunds Church, Shrewsbury, SY1 1UH events and tickets

Skiddle is an official primary ticket outlet for St Alkmunds Church, Shrewsbury, SY1 1UH in Shrewsbury. Find 1 upcoming events below. Tickets can be purchased directly from Skiddle:

Greg Foat/Ayo Salawu + Ocean Ivy at St Alkmunds Church, Shrewsbury, SY1 1UH

Greg Foat/Ayo Salawu + Ocean Ivy

  • St Alkmunds Church, Shrewsbury, SY1 1UH Shrewsbury
  • Wednesday 24th July
  • Event 7.0 of Season 2.0 at St Alkmunds Church. Greg Foat is one of the UKs leading jazz pianists, composers and music producers.

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    Reviews of St Alkmunds Church, Shrewsbury, SY1 1UH in Shrewsbury

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    Review of Tara Clerkin Trio + Haress

    Overall rating: 4.5 Verified review

    Events not to miss with SY.GIGS

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    Review of Tara Clerkin Trio + Haress

    Overall rating: 5 Verified review

    Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

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    Review of Tara Clerkin Trio + Haress

    Overall rating: 4 Verified review

    Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

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    St Alkmunds Church, Shrewsbury, SY1 1UH videos

    St Alkmunds Church, Shrewsbury, SY1 1UH venue information

    At the heart of the historic and beautiful town of Shrewsbury, founded about the year 902, stands the church of St Alkmund which celebrated its 1100th anniversary in 2012. There's a lot going for this town centre church, not least its reputation for the friendliness of the welcome given to its many visitors.

    St Alkmund's Church stands at the highest point in the town of Shrewsbury. The structure that stands today is part mediaeval and part Georgian. The tower and spire (56 metres high) were built about 1475 in the Perpendicular style. It forms one of the five notable buildings that make the skyline of Shrewsbury so unforgettably interesting. The poet A.E.Housman immortalised this view in his words: "High the vanes of Shrewsbury gleam islanded in Severn stream".

    Venue contact details and info

    Name: St Alkmunds Church, Shrewsbury, SY1 1UH


    Capacity: 260

    Address: St Alkmunds Place, Shrewsbury, sy1 1uh

    Venue short url:

    Type of venue: Other

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