Tickets are now on sale for a new comedy-drama which has already seen success after championing the audience vote and being crowned Winner of the Manchester Theatre Showcase 2013.
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Date published: 9th Aug 2013
Tickets are now on sale for a new comedy-drama which has already seen success after championing the audience vote and being crowned Winner of the Manchester Theatre Showcase 2013. 'VIP', written by up and coming Manchester Playwright and Actor Thomas Ingham, will receive it's première 11-15th September in Manchester.
Only 20 minutes of the new play, which explores the consequences of modern celebrity lifestyle and public perception, was showcased at the sold out event which took place at the Three Minute Theatre in April, going up against three other brand new plays, all written by local writers, battling for the audience's vote in order to win the chance of a full production with the New Live Theatre Company who run the (free to enter) event which launched in 2012.
At the showcase, which is focused on discovering and promoting new theatrical talent in the region, VIP had an all-female line up and was directed by New Live Theatre Company's newly appointed Associate Director Clare Barry. It has been announced that Actresses Katie Burgess, Hilly Barber and Caroline Warhurst, who originally took to the showcase stage in April, will soon be joined by ex-West End and No.1 UK Tour 'Blood Brothers' cast member Karl Greenwood, along with Karun Comar and Jack Howard. Greenwood and Howard both took part in plays at the showcase.
"We're very pleased to be working with such a fantastic piece of new writing," says Artistic Director Paul Kenney, "The script vetting for the showcase was long and thorough and any one of the shows could have won. Everyone did a great job. We're ecstatic to retain our original cast and our new additions are brilliant and hand-picked."
Paul reveals that there were no losers at this year's showcase as one show ('Scarlett Fever', by Emily Chriscoli) was immediately picked up by the venue themselves for a production in October, with the theatre company picking up another play ('A Walk in the Park') by the same writer soon after the showcase, and the remaining shows will be reaching a stage next year. Showcasing Actors also saw success after being offered roles in local productions and a number gained representation from Agents attending the 2 night event. "We were blessed with four great teams this year - there was a lot of competing going on, but everyone remained professional and supportive, which is what our company and the showcase is all about," he finished.
VIP will première at the John Cooper-Clarke Theatre at Chapel Street Studios above the Black Lion just outside of the city centre in Salford 11th, 12th, 14th & 15th September at 7.30pm (Sunday 6pm) Tickets cost £9.00 each on the door, or £8.00 if booked online before 16th August.
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