New MWMC Spotify Playlist

Our latest "Best of..." playlist is out now and features songs and artists that have either caught our ears recently.

Date published: 26th Aug 2018

Our latest "Best of..." playlist is out now and features songs and artists that have either caught our ears recently, played live for a Midweek Music Club Gig or are scheduled to play at one of shows in the next few weeks or months. Hope you enjoy the music and hopefully see you at one of our gigs soon.

NEW MWMC Spotify Playlist

Featured artists include....

The Printers
Valve Band Uk
Vega Bay
Ashley Sherlock
Lissy Taylor
Luke Harber
Mark Pratt
Adriana Spina
Thee Brooks
Emily Lockett
Crying Beauty Queens
Carl North & The Lonely Hearts
Izzie Walsh
Madison Leigh
Chris Kelly Music
Flat World Theory
Little Illusion Machine
Charli White
Curse Of Lono