Erick Morillo heads to Sankeys Stoke

Find Erick Morillo Stoke tickets and information for the huge Sankeys showcase.

Last updated: 16th Jan 2018

Originally published: 10th Jan 2018

Image: Erick Morillo (source)

Erick Morillo is set to make a debut performance for Sankeys in Stoke-on-Trent at JJ's Club on Saturday 27th of January. 

This is Sankeys' third instalment in Stoke since the renowned Manchester club was closed last year after 23 years. Sankeys partnered with The NTIA for the #doyouwannasankeys campaign shortly after the closure, allowing the public decide the location of new venues.

The Colombian-American DJ is known internationally for his work in the house music industry, specifically with his Subliminal Sessions residencies in Pacha Ibiza and more recently Marquee Nightclub, Las Vegas.

Find Erick Morillo Sankeys Stoke tickets below. 


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