Burlesque is back in Chester

We have been let out to entertain and delight! The Stripp'd Bare Burlesque Contest 2022 is back with a glittery bang!

Date published: 16th Nov 2021

So, are you are raring to go, ready to get out on the town and let your hair down? Maybe you want to loosen your tie and chill after work? Why not undo your collar and let me entertain you with some live burlesque?

The Stripp'd Bare Burlesque Contest is back after an enforced hiatus during that difficult year that was 2020. That year when many entertainers and performers lost their businesses. Yes, THAT year.

Stripp'd Bare came into being after I started running a burlesque dance class in Horwich. As my students grew in confidence, they wanted to perform and show off their new talents. Our first show consisted mainly of friends and family. All very supportive of course!

Then the Contest was born. Performers from abroad and the UK clamoured to be a part of it. We had strangers in the audience! Would they like it? Would they get it? Would they understand what I was trying to do? Thankfully, they did. They loved the shows. Suddenly, The Stripp'd Bare Burlesque Contest was on the map! The place to go for a great Burlesque night out. Then overnight, it all disappeared.

Let me tell you, starting again is not easy. But now, I have risen from the ashes, dusted off my sequinned dress, curled my beautifully bleached blonde wig, donned my fishnets, and I am ready to start again. I, ladies and gents, am Madame Mae Bee, a lady of a certain age who has been round the block possibly more times than is good for me! But that just adds to the rich tapestry that is my life.

My Burlesque Contests are professionally produced and take place in only the best of venues. I want my audience to feel pampered and part of it all, so I include quite a fair bit of audience participation. And of course, it's all done in the best possible taste! As you would imagine.

I notice people crying out for more live entertainment, then I see people who are not quite ready to attend mass gatherings. The public are undecided and rightly so. Numbers are down, takings may be low. But I am still here, ready as ever to bring my joyous burlesque contests to you. My enthusiasm for what I do has never faded. I have been a dancer all my life. As I always say - old showgirls never die, they just produce burlesque shows!

Life is for living, beautiful people. So what you going to do? Stay home and watch box sets for ever? Do the never ending Scroll of Deathly Boredom on social media? Never leave your house? Or come to The Stripp'd Bare Burlesque Contest? I know which one sounds good to me. A welcoming, cosy venue with friendly faces, happy performers, crazy but loveable hostess. Yes, that Burlesque Contest is calling me. I hope it calls to you too and entices you in.

Just so as you know, contestants stand to win a multitude of prizes from gift vouchers to cash. There is even an Audience Choice Catergory, where you my darling, can vote for your favourite. How exciting is that? Better than a box set, eh?

So if you like the sound of it, do come along. Give us a wave, say hello. I always greet my audience at the door. Like I said, I want you to feel part of it. Like I'm entertaining old friends. And we are friends, aren't we? I do hope so.

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