Big Brothel Creepers To Fill.

Update on the replacement for Mark Tighe. Introducing Sam the new guitarist for 1919.

Date published: 1st Apr 2017

Now's as good a time as any... changing the band image for the tour has been an act of symbolism that hasn't been taken lightly, much like the change to our lineup that it represents.

The fella in the right of the image is called Sam. He is the man who has risen to the challenge of filling the enormous shoes (deceptively disguised as a pair of stylish brothel creepers) left by our departed brother.

We wanted somebody that was already part of the extended family, and he is. He's too cool to use Facebook, evidently, but we look forward to introducing you to him next month. We've been making some noise together for the last few weeks and we're feeling positive about the future, ever more determined to take 1919 as far as we can.

The more eagle-eyed of you will notice that Mark is still depicted at the heart of the poster. Of course this is the position he will always hold at the heart of this band and everything we do.

See you soon,
1919 x

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